Home News What’s On in May 2024

What’s On in May 2024


3rd/Fri Otter Vale Art Society (OVAS) Art Demonstration at Ottery Cricket Club 7.30-9.30pm. Portrait painting with Amelia Webster. Non-members £3

4th/Sat Ottregians Over 60s Club Coffee Morning, 10.15am in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498 or email tomidalton@yahoo.co.uk

7th/Tues Friendship Group 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041 

8th/Weds “Boardroom” board games group 1-3pm in the Ottery Help Scheme office. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

10th/Fri Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498 or email tomidalton@yahoo.co.uk

11th/Sat Otters Carnival Club presents ….. Jumble Sale 9.30am-12 Noon in The Institute 

12th/Sun Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare Bingo Eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open at 6.30pm with Eyes Down at 7.45pm. Transport available – contact Steve Pearcy on 01404 811335

13th/Mon Ottery Writers Group meet 7-9pm in Ottery Library. To join email jehall1949@gmail.com

15th/Weds Book Club meet 7.30pm in The Coffee Bank. Info on their Facebook page

16th/Thurs Free Legal Clinic in the morning in Ottery Help Scheme office. Contact the office on 01404 813041 to make a 30 minute appointment. Service offered by a local specialist lawyer.

18th/Sat Exeter Cathedral Choir’s Summer Serenade Concert 5pm at Ottery Parish Church. Tickets £12 (adult) £5 (child). Book your ticket on our church website here ottervalechurches.org/events/cathedral-choir-concert/ 

19th/Sun Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare’s Bumper Plant Sale. 11am-2pm in The Institute. Also Raffle, Homemade preserves, Cakes and Books 

21st/Tues Ottery Heritage Society talk “The Channel Dash, February 1942” 7.30pm in The Institute. Visitors welcome

21st/Tues Ottery Floral Art Club Demonstration “Toy Stories” by Allison Finch 7.30pm in West Hill Village Hall. Visitors welcome 

23rd/Thurs Memory Café 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

23rd/Thurs Charity Fashion Show for Hospiscare  7pm for 7.30pm in West Hill Village Hall. Tickets £15pp to include a glass of fizz and canapes. Tickets from Ottery Hospiscare Shop, Tricia Heard on 01404 814191 or Chapter, Church Street, Sidmouth on 01395 579181 

24th/Fri PCSO John Sims host a come and meet your local PCSO event 15:00-15:45pm Outside The King’s School.

24th/Fri Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498 or email tomidalton@yahoo.co.uk

25th/Sat Ottery Community Market 9.30am-12.30pm in The Institute. Refreshments in The Market Cafe

25th/Sat Ottery Parish Church Fete at Cadhay 11am-3pm. Entrance Free (voluntary donations appreciated). Stalls, tombola, games, Raffle, Refreshments (teas/coffees and cakes). Guided tours of Cadhay House (£5) 

25th/Sat Ottery Carnival and Tar Barrels Party in The Park 5-11pm on The Millenium Green 

26th/Sun Ottery Carnival and Tar Barrels Party in The Park 12 Noon-10pm on The Millenium Green 

29th/Weds PCSO John Sims host a come and meet your local PCSO event 15:00-15:45pm Outside Tipton St John Primary.

30th/Thurs DCC Highways Surgery 10.15am-12 Noon in the Town Council Offices 

30th/Thurs Fundraiser for FORCE Charity 2-5pm at Cadhay Gardens. Refreshments in The Tea Room, tombola, raffle, book stall, face painting and more. Entry by donation. Cash only. For more info contact Lyndsey on 07964 836429/01404 850831 

22 April 2024
Last Updated
7 May 2024
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