1st/Thurs Fundraiser for FORCE Cancer Charity 2-5pm at Cadhay Gardens. Contact Lyndsey on 07964 836429/01404 850831 or the FORCE website for more details
3rd/Sat Ottregians Over 60s Club Coffee Morning 10.15am in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498 or by email tomidalton@yahoo.co.uk
4th/Sun Open Gardens for Hospiscare – Great Fir Cat’s Hotel, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1LE 12-5pm and Perriton Farmhouse, Talaton Road, Whimple, EX5 2QY 1.30-5pm. Contact 01392 688020 for more details
6th/Tues Friendship Group 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
8th/Thurs “Boardroom” Board games group 2-4pm in West Hill Church Hall. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
9th/Fri Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498 or by email tomidalton@yahoo.co.uk
10th/Sat Cor Dathlu Cwmtawe Male Voice Choir from Swansea Concert 7pm in Ottery Parish Church. Tickets £7/U18s £5 from Curious Otter Bookshop or on the door
11th/Sunday Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare Bingo Eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open at 6.30pm and Eyes Down at 7.45pm. Transport available – contact Steve Pearcy on 01404 811335
12th/Mon Ottery Writers Group meet 7-9pm in The Town Council Offices. To join email jehall1949@icloud.com
20th/Tues “Chatterbox Bereavement Support Group” 2.30-4pm. Contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
20th/Tues Ottery Heritage Society talk “Jumping Joe Beyrle” 7.30pm in The Institute
20th/Tues Ottery Flower Club Garden Visit. For venue and other information contact Karen Taverner, Club Secretary on 01404 811807
21st/Weds New Ottery Book Club meet 7.30pm in The Coffee Bank. Info on our Facebook page
22nd/Thurs “Memory Café” 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
23rd/Fri Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498 or by email tomidalton@yahoo.co.uk
24th/Sat Ottery Community Market 9.30am-12.30pm in the Institute. Refreshments in The Market Café
24TH/Sat PIXIE DAY 1.30-7.30ish Land of Canaan. Look out for posters
30th/Fri “Life – a celebration of West Hill Lives”. An exhibition of life stories of members of our village community illustrated by items of clothing and accessories 10.30am-4pm in West Hill Church Hall. Free entry, open to everyone and café open throughout exhibition. Also Sat 1st July 10.30am-4pm and Sunday 2nd July Noon-4pm