4th/ Tues “Friendship Group” 2 – 4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 813041
9th/Sun Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare Bingo Eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open at 6.45pm and Eyes Down at 7.45pm. Transport available – contact Steve Pearcy on 811335
10th/Mon Ottery St Mary Supporters Group meet 10.30am in The Coffee Bank. Come along for coffee and a chat
10th/Mon “Ottery Writers Group” meet 7 – 9pm at The Station Hub. If you’d like to join email jehall 1949@icloud.com to be sent a personal invitation
12th/Weds Ottery St Mary WI talk “Glamping” by Becky Sheaves from Cockoo Down Glamping 7.30pm in The Institute
18th/Tues Ottery Heritage Society talk “The Buildings of Exeter” 7.30pm in The Institute
26th/Weds “Rumpelstiltskin” a pantomime performed by Ottery Community Theatre in The Institute, Ottery St Mary at 7.30pm Tickets £7 and £5/U18s from The Curious Otter Bookshop For Group bookings phone 07933705290.
27th/Thurs “Memory Cafe” 2 – 4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 813041
27th/Thurs “Rumpelstiltskin” a pantomime by Ottery Community Theatre. For details see 26th
28th/Fri “Rumpelstiltskin” a pantomime by Ottery Community Theatre. For details see 26th
29th/ Sat “Rumpelstiltskin” a pantomime by Ottery Community Theatre Performance Times Today are 12Noon and 5pm. For details see 26th