2nd/Sat Ottregians Over 60s Club Coffee Morning 10.15am in The Institute
5th/Tues “Friendship Group” 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
8th/Fri “Craft and a Cuppa” 2-3pm in Ottery Library. Bring your crafts (sewing, knitting, crochet etc) to have a chat and a cuppa whilst making
8th/Fri Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in the Institute
8th/Fri Live Music – 5 Finger Discount/Cave Mouth at The King of Clubs, Kings Arms, Ottery. For details see thesupermercados.com/gigs
9th/Sat Ottery Choral Society perform Handel’s oratorio “Solomon” 7.30pm in Ottery Parish Church. Tickets from members or Curious Otter Bookshop, Mill Street. 9.15am-4pm or 01404 814469
10th/Sun Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare Bingo Eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open at 6.45pm and Eyes Down at 7.45pm. Transport available – contact Steve Pearcy on 01404 811335
11th/Mon Ottery Writers Group meet 7-9pm at The Station Hub. If you’d like to join email jehall1949@icloud.com
13th/Weds Ottery WI talk in The Institute 7.30pm
14th/Thurs “Memory Café” 10.30am-12.30pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
19th/Tues Ottery Heritage Society talk ‘Admiral Preedy and the Victorian Internet’. 7.30pm in The Institute. Visitors welcome.
19th/Tues Ottery Flower Club Demonstration by Hannah Burnett, 7.30pm at West Hill Village Hall, Beech Park, West Hill, EX11 1UQ
22nd/Fri “Craft and a Cuppa” 2-3pm in Ottery Library. Bring your crafts (sewing, knitting, crochet etc) to have a chat and a cuppa whilst making
22nd/Fri Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute
22nd/Fri Live music – Sarah Yeo/Adam Sweet/Greg Hancock at The King of Clubs, Kings Arms, Ottery. For details see the supermercados.com/gigs
28th/Thurs “Memory Café” 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041
29th/Fri Live music – Bears With Monocles/Space Bastards at The King of Clubs, Kings Arms, Ottery. For details see supermercados.com/gigs
30th/Sat “Community Market” 9.30am-12.30pm in The Institute, Yonder Street, Ottery. Refreshments provided by the WI ladies