Ottery St Mary has many miles of footpaths in the parish that need caring for to ensure they stay open and are safe to walk.
The Town Council is looking for volunteers to be Guardians of the Footpaths. You won’t be asked to help maintain the footpaths, just walk them. If you are out on your regular walk, or perhaps visiting a path you don’t often use, and you spot an issue such as overhanging branches or weathering then please let us know.
You can do this easily by emailing Councillor Richard Copus with details of where the problem is and ideally a photo. The what3words app can be used to help give a precise location.

Unfortunately the flood waters we had at Tipton St John in May resulted in four of the local paths needing to be closed till the end of year whilst repair work is scheduled and takes place. Details of the closures, with links to maps and full descriptions, can be found on our website.