Home News Grant for Primary School PTA

Grant for Primary School PTA

Ottery St Mary Primary School wanted to install a free-standing shelter as a cost effective way to really enhance their ability to develop the provision and experiences for Year 2 children. Currently the school are lucky enough to have a sheltered outdoor space for their Reception children and Year 1 children. Year 2 area do benefit from a large courtyard area but this was unusable for much of the year due to the unpredictable nature of the British weather. 

The School PTA approached Ottery St Mary Council for a grant of £2000 towards the total cost of £4000 to build the shelter. The Council was pleased to help and awarded the £2000 requested. 

The wonderful new shelter covers a huge part of this courtyard area, providing a spacious outdoor resource that the children will benefit from all year round. The children will be able to participate in a wide range of activities and experiences in large groupings and the staff will be able to provide flexible activities to develop fine and gross motor skills, communication and interaction skills and independence which will in turn greatly support all of the children and especially the SEND learners to reach their potential across all subjects. 

Headteacher Mark Gilronan said “We owe a debt of gratitude to Ottery Town Council, for providing a grant of £2000 towards the project and for making the application process clear and simple to follow.” 

“For some children, a practical approach to learning is hugely beneficial especially following the pandemic where so many missed out on practical opportunities to form relationships in their formative years. The school have always, and will continue to, work hard on this with all of the children, the ability to provide further outdoor based opportunities for all of our youngest learners to cover their first three years in school will be absolutely priceless to us.” 

2 April 2024
Last Updated
31 May 2024
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