Home News Emergency Plan Meeting

Emergency Plan Meeting

Ottery Town Council are arranging a number of local meetings to discuss the Emergency Plan and seek feedback from residents. The first two meetings will be held in Escot Village Hall on Saturday December 2nd at 6.30pm to 7.30pm, followed by Alfington Church Hall on Sunday December 10th at 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Please note parking at both locations is limited so please car share or consider walking.

Future meetings will also be held in Ottery St Mary and Tipton St John.

The meetings will have a guest speaker Martin Rich from Devon Communities together. The Emergency Plan is being designed to bridge the gap between the public and emergency services. This plan will enable an initial response and then assist in communication with the emergency services.

If you have any questions you can contact the Chairman of the Emergency Plan Working Group, Cllr Matt Williamson on mattwilliamson@otterystmary-tc.gov.uk or 07840 237161. Alternatively please contact the Town Clerk at the Council offices via email admin@otterystmary-tc.gov.uk or telephone 01404 812252.  

Poster with all the above details.
23 November 2023
Last Updated
31 May 2024
Published in