The last of the four consultation meetings by Ottery’s Emergency Plan Working Group met at The Station Community Hub in Ottery on January 14th. This was the final meeting after Taleford, Alfington and Tipton St John. All four meetings were well attended and are already helping with information to feed into the plan.
Guest speaker Martin Rich from Devon Communities Together was joined by the three Councillors on the Emergency Plan Working Group Matt Williamson, Peter Faithful and Janice Aherne. Also attending and providing valuable information was East Devon District Council Emergency Planning Officer Dave Whelan, thanks to whom this project started.
The idea behind the meeting is to communicate with the community what the plan is and start the process of gathering feedback as to what problems may occur during emergencies and what the response should be.
Cllr Williamson said “We have been very pleased with the turn out to all four events. As well as gathering information we have had people sign up to help create the plan, and act as local co-ordinators should the plan need to be actioned.”
The Emergency Plan is being designed to bridge the gap between the public and emergency services. This plan will enable an initial response and then assist in communication with the emergency services. The local plans are stored centrally and available to the Emergency Services so if there is an emergency, they know who to contact and what the plan is.
Cllr Williamson asks that anyone interested in helping should contact the Council on 01404 812252 or email