Home News Citizens Advice at the Town Council

Citizens Advice at the Town Council

Citizens Advice is a charity that provides free, confidential advice on a wide range of issues, including benefits, debt, housing, employment, consumer rights, law and immigration. They are not affiliated with the government and don’t provide legal representation in court, but they can help you understand your rights and options and give you the confidence to deal with things yourself. 

Citizens Advice services are free, confidential and impartial. This means that you can be sure that the advice you receive is objective and in your best interests. Citizens Advice can also help you to find other services that may be able to help you, such as legal aid or social services. 

If you’re struggling with the cost of living, you can check if you can claim benefits or increase your current benefits.  You might be able to claim certain benefits even if you work, have savings or own a home. 

Advice whilst in work could be about your contract, sick pay, redundancy, maternity or paternity leave or grievances with your employer.  They can also advice about starting a pension or claiming an existing one. 

If you are having issues with paying all your monthly bills then Citizens Advice can offer help with debt, mortgage and rent arrears.  They can help with gambling issues that are causing financial issues. 

For the consumer Citizens Advice are experienced dealing with claims about faulty goods and services, plus issues with your service providers such as utilities and ISPs.  They have added help spotting scams and getting help if you are the victim of a scam. 

If you rent your home, they provide support dealing with your private landlord, Council or housing association.  This could be ensuring repairs are carried out and ensuring your home is safe. 

Citizens Advice help with life matters such as having a civil partnership or getting married, separation or divorce, or violence in the home.  They can assist with advice about wills and what you need to do when a loved one dies. 

An advisor is available every Tuesday morning 9.30am to 11.30am at the Town Council offices 8 Broad Street (subject to volunteer availability).  

Alternatively, there are several ways to get advice from Citizens Advice: 

29 April 2024
Last Updated
31 May 2024
Published in