Home News


Bring Photo ID to vote
Please remember that there is a new requirement to take photo ID to elections. You can apply for…
Regular Weekly Events in Ottery St Mary
Every Monday           Gentle Yoga and Stretching 10.30am til 11.45am in The Institute  contact Lesley Toy 01404 812577  Every…
Traffic measuring – 18th January 2023
Temporary automatic traffic counters (ATC) have been installed today on a number of roads across Ottery St Mary.…
What’s on in February 2023?
2nd/Thurs   Meeting to discuss the future of Ottery Twinning Association. 7.30pm at West Hill Village Hall  3rd/Fri         Hospiscare…
DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer Surgery Thursday 26th January from 10.15am until 12.00
Citizens Advice Tuesday 17th January from 9.30am until 11.30am
Walk in Covid Vaccination – Friday 13th January 2023 from 10.30am until 4.30pm
What’s on in January 2023?
3rd/Tues        Friendship Group 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. Contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041 7th/Sat           Ottregians Over…
Draft East Devon Local Plan
Christmas Tree Collection
Late Night Event – 25th November
Friday 25th November 2022 from 4.30pm
What’s On in December 2022?
3rd/Sat           Ottregians Over 60s Club Coffee Morning 10.15am in The Institute  3rd/Sat            Ottery Silver Band & Brass Class…