Home News


Ottery St Mary Later Life Forum 
The Forum was set up 20 years ago for those residents of Ottery who had retired but still…
What’s On in August
1st/Tues         Friendship Group 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041  3rd…
Guardians of the Footpaths
Ottery St Mary has many miles of footpaths in the parish that need caring for to ensure they…
Post Office Update and Opening Hours
The Council have been having continuous dialogue with the Post Office since the changes that took effect last…
1st Anniversary of Space Youth Club at the Ottery Station Hub
The Ottery Youth Club celebrates its first anniversary this month. Last year Ottery Town Council entered into a…
This weekend is Independents’ Day UK. July 3rd & 4th
Independents’ Day UK is a campaign that exists to support and promote independent retail businesses across the UK…
Shop Front Grants 2022/23 Success
Ottery St Mary Town Council’s Regeneration and Climate Action Committee initiated a second Shop Front grant scheme at…
What’s On in July
1st/Sat        Ottregians Over 60s Club Coffee Morning 10.15am in The Institute. Info from Anne Dalton on 01404 814498…
Footpath Extension
Footpath number 64 has been extended to connect with Core Hill Road at Hollow Head Cross. These documents…
Ash Dieback Along the A30
National Highways have identified a large number of ash trees along the A30 affected by ashback which need…
Coast and Country Tourism Sustainability Webinar
The Coast and Country Project is delighted to invite local businesses to join us in our free webinar…
We have found a Defibrillator Guardian 
Thank you to the volunteer who is going to be the Guardian. The Town Council were kindly donated…
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