Home News


The Festive Cheer Christmas Jumper Scavenger Hunt
Event Dates: The scavenger hunt will run from November 20th to December 20th. Participating Businesses: Various businesses in…
Ottery Festive Cheer 2023 – Details and Map
Ottery St Mary will be holding its Festive Cheer event this year on Friday November 24th.  As well…
What’s On in December
  1st/Fri                 Kings School Christmas Fayre 5-7.30pm  2nd/Sat               Ottregians Over 60s Club Coffee Morning 10.15am in The Institute.…
Sign up for Automated Flood Alerts
Sign up to get flood warnings if your home or business in England is at risk of flooding.…
Ottery Festive Cheer 2023 – Timings
These are the timings for The Festive Cheer Event, including the Lights Switch on.
Ottery St Mary Town Council Co-Option Notice – Town Ward
Ottery St Mary Town Council has one vacancy for a Town Councillor for the Ottery Town ward. If…
Post Office at One Stop and Cash Point Survey
The town has seen many changes to its Post Office and banking provision in the last few years.…
Community First Responders Needed
We have received the following from South Western Ambulance NHS Foundation: Exciting volunteering opportunities have arisen within South…
Power Cut Safety Advice
We have received the following from Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Services: Power cut safety advice If…
Tar Barrels Road Closures
Road closure times are staggered this year. Details from the Carnival & Tar Barrels Committee below:
What’s On in November
  3rd/Fri            OVAS Art Demonstration 7.30-9.30pm in The Institute. ‘Mosaics’ by Karen Wones.  Non-Members £3  4th/Sat            Ottregians Over…
Fire Service Precept Survey
Every year Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue ask communities and businesses about the level of precept (council…
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