Ottery St Mary Town Council recently gave a grant of £2,278 to Able2Achieve (The Silver Otter Cafe) to enable them to purchase two laptops and pay for their learners to undertake courses working towards nationally recognised qualifications.
Able2Achieve provide support to individuals with learning difficulties and promote independence. Receiving this grant has enabled this to happen and has already had great results with both Josh and Kerry recently earning a level 2 Food Hygiene qualification.
As well as online learning, the laptops have been used to help create CVs for learners and look at jobs and work experience positions that match upcoming potential qualifications.
Helen Holmes, Enterprise Coordinator, said “Our learners were able to immediately start on the courses with Josh and Kerry completing the course and passing the level 2 food hygiene exam. Together we are looking at further courses they can take, plus investigating roles they are now qualified for”.
“We expect our other learners to qualify soon, the grant has been a real boost to how much training can be completed and also pays for a number of learners to complete upcoming courses”.
The Council are delighted to be able to support the amazing work of Helen and her team at Able2Achieve.