If you work from home and are finding the lack of a dedicated office a problem, then the Town Council has several offices available to rent. All rooms are carpeted and include a heater. Electricity and rates are not included in the cost.
More details, including the costs, can be found here.
If you have an occasional meeting with clients, then the Council Chamber and Meeting Room can be hired by the hour.
And if your needs are more extravagant and you are planning a product launch, conference, or training event then the historic Station Hub offers a flexible space with up to three rooms available. There is a fully featured kitchen, high speed internet and a projector with screen. The hub has great links to the M5/A30 and comes with plenty of parking and wheelchair access.
Prices, photos of the hub, an up-to-date calendar and booking form can be found on the Council’s website.
Details of the Station Hub hire
If you have any questions or special requirements, then please contact the council on 01404 812252 or email admin@otterystmary-tc.gov.uk