Home News Jasmine Cottage, 14 Batts Lane

Jasmine Cottage, 14 Batts Lane

The Council is concerned about the condition of Jasmine Cottage, 14 Batts Lane, and the impact on residents and the general area. We are contacted on a regular basis by residents regarding this property and have been in liaison with East Devon District Council (EDDC) to reach a satisfactory resolution. EDDC have taken steps to secure the building and have a strategy to bring empty houses back into use. 

We are gathering information on behalf of EDDC regarding how the current condition of Jasmine Cottage is impacting you and the local community. To enable EDDC to communicate with you directly, to ask for clarification and other pertinent information, we have asked for your contact information.  

The Scottish Land Commission have published a research report on the Impact of Vacant and Derelict Land on Communities, which finds that derelict sites can affect a community’s health, environment, economy, and social cohesion. 

Head of Policy and Research at the Scottish Land Commission, Shona Glenn, said: 

“It is often the smaller derelict sites in our urban communities that have the biggest impact on their wellbeing and safety. There is evidence that neglected sites can deter investment or mitigate the introduction of new income streams such as tourism and local communities can feel forgotten.” 

Please let us know your feelings by answering the questions on this link. 

15 January 2024
Last Updated
31 May 2024
Published in