Home News Festive Cheer 2023

Festive Cheer 2023

The Town Council would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone involved  in making the Festive Cheer  event so special and a thank you for all those who attended. Particular thanks to;

The Town Crier – Laurie Palmer
La La Choir
St Marys Church for hosting the Christmas market and the stall holders for attending
Ottery St Mary Library
Ottery St Mary Silver Band
Ottery St Mary Carnival and Tar Barrel Committee
Ottery St Mary Royalty
Jo Wilson Dance and the fantastic dancers
Abbotts Santas Grotto
All the fabulous local  businesses
Gliddons traction engine team
Tree Festival
Coleridge Pre-school playgroup
Ottery Police

See you next year!

27 November 2023
Last Updated
31 May 2024
Published in